Where Free Means Free!

NoveNoga Under Construction has evolved since I posted the first pages in June of 2012. I will be making changes to this page and several others to reflect that evolution.
Thank you for your patience.
Curtiss Martin

Nove-Noga: Real Writing Jobs

The Possibilities Involved in Creating Web Content are Endless.
Are You a Writer?
Do You feel the Need to write every day?
Wouldn't it be Nice to get Paid for it?

Do You HAVE to Write?

Real Writing Jobs and Work
  • Real Writing Jobs is a site that brings the writing jobs offered by several different job services together in one place. The current list of work-at-home sources includes eLance, GetAFreelancer, iFreelance, oDesk and RentACoder. There are great advantages to having the current list of so many sources in one place. While you still will need to apply on the specific website, you will not have to search each of the sites every time that you are looking for a new project.
  • This membership also includes a long list of free bonus videos, downloads and reports. These are well worth the cost of membership all by themselves. Topics covered include how to write, where to write and how to make money doing it. Helpful tools to improve your typing skills and use of words are also a part of this package.

  • The only real problem I had with Real Writing Jobs was the site layout. Once I realized that there was no standard menu bar it was easier to understand. Just look below 'Available Writing Jobs' for the group of links for their Writing Job Database and more.

  • The one time membership fee is only $68.00. At the time of this review they were offering a half off discount. With the bonus tools and information it is worth a great deal more. This is one membership that I am very happy to have and keep.

Real Writing Jobs
Real Writing Jobs and Work


Nothing Ventured - Nothing Gained. Nove-Noga!


A Different Kind of Alternative

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Words To Make You Think
For some people,
Writing is more than a task.
It can become an urgent need
More difficult to overcome
Than a habit forming drug.
I treasure these people.
For they provide me with
My drug of choice,


ASN MoreMoney
