Nove-Noga Info Post

Prepare to Join IBO Toolbox with Nove-Noga

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Info Post at Nove-Noga.comPrepare to Join IBO Toolbox with Nove-Noga

Have you heard about IBO Toolbox yet? It is The Site for Independent Business Owners to get their message about their Business out to the web. Through simple Press Releases (PRs) we can engage people from around the world and draw them to our websites. IBO Toolbox is highly regarded by Google and other major search engines.

It is free to use and you earn free advertising credits through your use of the platform. The advertising credits are used to power banner advertising on your profile page as well as several other advertising points throughout the site. If you would like to purchase extra advertising credits, they are available at very reasonable rates.

Today I am going to prepare you for a fast start so that you can start earning free advertising credits the first day.

Use the following to gather together your information in one spot and you will be prepared to follow the video step-by-step for a quick start.

I am going to assume that you have a business website in mind to send traffic to. Or you could choose one of your Social Media sites if you don't currently have a business site. It is easy enough to change later. About the only thing you can't change will be your username. That can be letters, numbers and the underscore. No special characters are permitted.

Stage 1: Application Information:

First Name:
* How do you want to be addressed? Your First Name will be used often.

Last Name:
* You are here for Business and Want to be Trusted. Be Real.

* Your Email address is not shared. I still recommend a dedicated account.

* Choose Carefully. This is the beginning of your Branding Efforts.

* Be unique.

Stage 2: Profile Information.

For Your Profile:
A Profile image:
* This is the image that will be displayed in all the Many places your name appears at IBO Toolbox and subsequently across the web. You should have it ready to upload. The optimum image is 200x200 pixels and Should be You, preferably alone, professional in appearance and presentation. This is the next step in Branding yourself on the web.

Your Geographic information:
* Transparency Builds Trust. Please use your True City.

* State or Province of Residence.

* Country of Residence.

* Public Information - If you do not wish to receive calls, try "n/a" or "No Calls Please".

* If you don't have one, you might want to get one.


Your Business Information:
* Your Operating Name or Primary Interest.

* Describe your position or status. E.G. Owner, CEO, Internet Marketer...

Product Website:
* URL Only for your Primary Website.

Join Website:
* URL Only for your Opportunity Website.

* Describe your personal and business experience and include some information about your current business and opportunities.

*IBO Toolbox V2.0 Note: Your IBOsocial Front Page has a great many options including the addition of Video, Live Links, Full Editing, etc. This is your IBOsocial Billboard for your business. Be Creative and share that Creativity with the world.

Other Information You may want to include:
Other Websites (No Limit):
Link Text:
* Description, Approximately 25 characters. Max 50 but they are not all visible.

Link Address:
* [URL Only]

Social Media Links (No Limit*): You should Include your Social Networks as Soon as Possible to take advantage of the Networking possible through IBO Toolbox.
Social Network:
* Choose from a drop down list.
Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, Delicious, Flickr, Blogger, Yahoo, Friendster, Google, Digg, YouTube, Networked Blogs.

Link Address:
* [URL Only]

I recommend Google, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn as your first accounts if you are just starting out. Locating your link differs on each Social Media site. Putting your list together beforehand makes the setup a lot easier.

*Note: To make the most of Facebook Connectivity at IBO Toolbox, make sure that your Fan Page is in the First Facebook Position in your Social Networks List. Doing so will cause your Fan Page to be prominently displayed on every one of your IBOsocial Pages.*

IBO Toolbox is becoming more Video Friendly.
For Video Uploads you will need:
Video Title:
Video (You Tube URL) (link):
More Info Link:
Video Keywords:

Monetize your IBOsocial Profile with Google AdSense:
You will need an active AdSense account already linked with one of your controlled websites. Once you have an account, you are free, within the Google Guidelines, to place ads where you like including IBO Toolbox. This is the last Item in the Edit Profile section of IBO Toolbox.
Script Code to paste in Ad Code:
Complete the compliance information and you are good to Go.

Stage 3: Banner Advertising Information.

To make the most of IBO Toolbox, you should have a 468x60 banner ad on your IBO Social Profile. There are several other advertising options that you will want to consider.

*IBO Toolbox V2.0 Note: Banners are no longer hosted on IBO Toolbox. Existing banners are included in your Advertising section with the image addresses displayed.*

For Your Banner Ad:
Ad Name:
* Choose something friendly for your identification. This is private.

For a Hosted Banner you need the GRAPHIC URL:
* [URL Only]

Ad Target URL:
* [URL Only]

Set up Your First Press Release:
* 3 to 5 keywords or keyword strings that are part of your PR content or Title.

* A descriptive title related to your PR containing 1 to All of your keywords.

Web link:
* [URL Only]

PR Content:
* Up to 2500 characters suggested. Images and Video cannot be uploaded but any hosted image or video can be referenced. I recommend a maximum Image width of 500 Pixels. For best results across platforms, include the width and height information in your application.

*Note: Images or Videos can be added with the Editor Tools or you can enter the HTML code for more control of your display.*

This will be your introduction to IBO Toolbox and the WorldWideWeb. Consider the following questions. Who are you? How did you get here in life? What business are you in or interested in? Why are you here? When do you want to retire? I just threw that last on in to fill out the set. Remember that this is an introduction not the final sales effort. We would like to know who we might be doing business with.

*IBO Toolbox V2.0 Note: The new system has many more capabilities than the old. If you are just starting, you might want to keep it simple. Remember to Link your Hypertext in the PR process.*


This completes our preparation for a new account with IBO Toolbox. Once you have entered this information into the system, you will have earned three stars. To earn two more stars, simply make 3 wall comments and 3 PR comments, then return to the IBO Toolbox Dashboard. Your stars should appear shortly.

For Step-by-Step instructions see: Join IBO Toolbox with Nove-Noga. If you are ready to get started today, we will be happy to welcome you to IBO Toolbox, Your New Home For Business. There you will find an application for IBO Toolbox. IBO Toolbox is a Free Platform for Independent Business Owners. It is designed to encourage Marketers to produce content, advertise and interact with other marketers. Join us today. Nothing Ventured - Nothing Gained. Nove-Noga!

IBO Tip List at Nove-Noga.comFor more information on IBO Toolbox
and the IBO Tip List
go to:
Time is your most precious commodity.
Do as much with your time as you can.
Nothing Ventured - Nothing Gained.